Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Sports: Hurricanes on Winning Streak

The Monitor's Hurricane Gizmos crushed Lancaster's Feathered Flyers last week, 26-7. MVP goes to Shawn Cellino for his gravity-defying catches throughout the game.

The Lady Gizmo's tennis team brought the tournament home and will head to National's to compete against Brisbane's Tigers. Show support for the team and wear Hurricane Gizmo brown next week!

Photo Essay: Air, Water, Earth

Elections Arrive at MHS

Prepare your ballot boxes because school elections are coming up in March. Candidates include Jennie Irving, Chris Slater, and Mason McDaniels, all vying for the President's spot. We have exclusive interviews with the candidates. 

Jennie Irving

Monitor: Jennie, you just moved to our town from upstate New York, is that right?
Jennie: That's right, and it's really cool so far. 
M: So why should Monitor students vote for you? 
J: Well, some people called me an outsider, but that's really not true. I've lived in a bunch of places and met all different people, so that makes me uniquely aware of a number of different perspectives. 
M: Great. What's your vision for the future of MHS?
J: It'd be cool to put everything online, you know? All the info for homework, our own social network thing, events, and stuff. 
M: Last question, Jennie. If you were an animal, what kind of animal would you be and why?
J: Ugh...a koala. They're adorable yet vicious. 

Chris Slater

Monitor: Hey Chris, thanks for meeting with us to talk. You have a big game coming up this week, right?
Chris: You got it, and we're number one! I don't mess around as QB and you guys can count on me whether I'm on the field or off. 
M: What do you mean by that?
C: Just, you know, that I'm on my game. Touchdowns on the field and in class!
M: Cool. What's one thing you'd change as President?
C: Vending machines with water, Gatorade, that stuff. Gotta hydrate.
M: Okay. And how about you--if you were an animal, what kind of animal would you be and why?
C: A Hurricane Gizmo! Go Hurricanes!

Mason McDaniels

Monitor: Hi Mason, can you start by telling us a little about yourself?
Mason: Sure. I was born and raised in Monitor and my family helped build this town. In fact, my dad and our family own the market, law firm, and hardware store. I know hard work when I see it. 
M: That's some legacy. What about....Is there anyone who may doubt your...sincerity, because of your background?
MM: I've heard that. But if you get to know me, you'll see that I'm not like that. This town means a lot to me.
M: It definitely seems like it. Now for the animal question--what kind of animal would you be and why?
MM: A badger. They're tireless and hard-working. 

That's a quick peek at our candidates for the Presidency. Next we'll meet our Vice Presidential candidates, Michelle Amalia, Priya Patel, and Zane Charteau. Don't miss the debate at MHS on February 6 at 8 pm!

The Beginning of the Edge

Greetings, fellow Monitor High School classmates! Welcome to the first edition of The Monitor's Edge, the razor-sharp news blog for all the happenings at Monitor High School.